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Curling, cracking, loose and falling shingles are a sign of deterioration and could indicate the need for a full replacement. The following information is to help you with any home improvements regarding roofing, that you may need more information on. 

  • Home improvement History: When investing in a roof repair or replacement project, it can be helpful to check work records on the home to see when the roof was last worked on. The typical lifespan for an asphalt roof is roughly 20-25 years, but that projected lifespan goes down about 5 years with each layer of shingles added to the roof. By checking the records you can get a better idea of how long its been since repairs or a roof replacement were needed, and therefore how long it might be before they’re needed again. 


  • Shingles: A roof in good repair will have smooth shingles with no ridges, cracks or peeling sections. If there are shingles curling and lifting or cracking and falling away, the roof is in urgent need of repair. Wind, snow, ice and impacts from storms can all have seriously damaging effects on roofing material. A professional should be called to inspect the roofing as it can be dangerous to be walking about on a roof, especially if there could be damage. These checkups should take place at least once a year if not once a season. Catching any small issues early on can greatly increase the lifespan of your roofing material. 


  • Roof flashing: Flashing around vents, skylights and chimneys should also be checked periodically, much like the shingles themselves. Over time, the flashing can be just as worn down by the ravages of the elements as the roofing material and be left with cracks, gaps and broken sections that can allow water and pests into the structure of the roof and subsequently into the home. Before you climb out on the roof however, remember that it could be dangerous to be trying to get a closer look around the flashing. A professional with the proper training and expertise should be called, as they will be able to spot even small cracks and gaps that might be otherwise missed. 


  • Algae and Moss: Moss and small plants can often begin to grow on roofs when they are in poor condition. This is especially likely to happen if the roof is under overhanging trees and catches seeds and other debris. As time goes on, the roof becomes something of a fertile ground, allowing for moss, small saplings and various plants to grow on the roofing material. This isn’t very good for your home, since it causes a significant amount of roof damage as plants carry water and water mixed with building materials leads to costly repairs. If there’s greenery on your roof, assistance is needed as soon as possible and you may be looking at a roof replacement. 

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Proudly Serving New York

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Our Locations:

Klaus Larsen Roofing
29 Northridge Dr
North Windham, CT 06256
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